Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A million things going through my mind...

Men are visual they say. Well, I am. Not looking for a Halle Berry but hell, I want to be able to put my arms around you. And if at 6ft 5inches, I am not able to achieve that feat, woman, get off your butt and get to the gym. Walk around! Do something.

Okay, I said it. Why do our Nigerian women feel its okay after pregnancy to just let go. 5ft5, 220 pounds. Give me a break. Its not healthy, it’s not sexy! We, us, men are already battling with the F word(not the curse word) the other F(faithful)and the last thing we need is a wife at home that makes your mind even wonder anymore that it already is because she is not holding up to her side of the bargain.

This is not exclusive to just Nigerian women (fairness, fairness). But it seems to be especially unchecked amongst them. I have never seen a hot fat person and as far as I am concerned, that phrase right there should be motivation enough for anyone.

I do have a few words for my Nigerian dudes too. Walking around looking like Bruce Bruce, but this is not about us. I will get to that in another blog, but can we deal with this first??